In the past eight months I’ve been very busy and had many significant changes in my life. Last June I meet Charley, who I’ve been dating ever since. He’s an amazing artist – Check out his work on his website. He lives in Helper, Utah, which is about 100 mile southeast of Salt Lake City…so I spend much of my time driving back and forth, through mountain passes and on winding roads. But it has been totally worth it.
Charley and his dog Ruby:

I’ve been to Portland 3 times since I last blogged -- Once for Karena’s wedding, once for the 4th annual Roselawn Carnival, and once, with Charley, to see the Oregon Ballet Theater perform Swan Lake (and to introduce him to Nicole and Karena). Here are some highlights:
Omi and I get ready for Karena's wedding:

I entered a pie baking contest at the Roselawn Carnival (mine is the one with blueberries on top). I didn't win: 
Nicole and her sister, Lisa, anxiously await the judges decision in the pie contest. In the end Lisa won gold, Nicole won silver:
Nicole and her sister, Lisa, anxiously await the judges decision in the pie contest. In the end Lisa won gold, Nicole won silver:
Deep fried pickles at the carnival:
Lunch at Flavor Spot. Waffle Sandwiches:

The PB&J was out of control:
The PB&J was out of control:
Charley and I go to the Ballet:

Kao Soi (my favorite food ever) at Pok Pok:

Since I last blogged I’ve moved…again. I’m now much closer to Westminster College, where I work. And I joined Facebook (which may be the main reason I haven’t been blogging). Here’s my page:

Kao Soi (my favorite food ever) at Pok Pok:
Since I last blogged I’ve moved…again. I’m now much closer to Westminster College, where I work. And I joined Facebook (which may be the main reason I haven’t been blogging). Here’s my page:
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